Serving Love In the Time of Corona

The Law Office of Roli Khare Rastogi LLC strongly supports selfless service in what small ways we can. We have donated and participated in serving food to the homeless for decades. This particular program in the East Village is close to our hearts. We know the #heroes on the frontline battle to beat #covid19 are not only the healthcare workers, delivery workers, grocery personnel, but also those selfless volunteers who continue to serve food to the homeless in the heart of NYC while the COVID-19 fire rages all around them. The team of volunteers from Unto The Least of Thy Breathren continues to serve homemade food to NYC's most vulnerable citizens- the #homeless of the East Village.
The Project Team Lead, Adi writes: Friday, we cooked twice as much as Wednesday. People lined-up all-the-way-down-the block (to the horizon) outside Tompkin's Square Park. We were overjoyed to be able to distribute every drop, every spoonful, every crumb to Tompkin's Square Park guests.

Please consider a small donation if you can at this time to help this service continue under such dire circumstances. In a global pandemic, we cannot lose sight of our most vulnerable populations. Your generosity will not go unnoticed. Please share this link with friends and family. The Law Office of Roli Khare Rastogi LLC continues to financially support such a wonderful service in trying times. Small acts of service transform the heart.


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